Evaluación de la pirólisis térmica de aceite vegetal de desecho en un reactor batch


Jorge Marcelo Albuja Torres

Mayra Lucía Mora Constante

Ernesto Oswaldo Proaño Borja


En el presente proyecto se evalúa la utilidad del aceite vegetal que ha sido desechado después de su uso en la preparación de alimentos, para la obtención de productos combustibles mediante el proceso térmico anaerobio denominado pirólisis.

The utility of waste vegetable oil, which has been discarded after use in food preparation, to obtain combustion products through anaerobic thermal process called pyrolysis, has been done.Waste vegetable oil was subjected to a filtration process to remove impurities and characterization was performed to determine their properties.After preliminary tests in which several variables were studied such as agitation, catalyst, residence time and temperature in order to achieve high performance in the pyrolysis of waste vegetable oil and to quantify the products obtained.Best operating conditions of the pyrolysis process were: 400 ºC for 90 min with a yield of 62,63 % liquid product without agitation or catalyst.The product obtained from the pyrolysis was distilled for 90 min until it reached a maximum temperature of 274 ºC for obtaining biofuels and analyzed their physicochemical properties such as flash point: 51,6 ºC; water content: 0,2 mL of water for every 50 mL of biofuel;Conradson carbon residue: 1,15 % by weight, ash: 0,0078 % by weight; distillation temperature of 90 %: 286,20 ºC; kinematic viscosity at 37,8 ºC: 2,72 cSt; sulfur: 0,0032 % by weight; corrosion to the copper foil: 1a; calculated cetane index: 31,56; density at 15 ºC: 0,8665 g per cm3; cloud point: -4 ºC; acid number: 257,66 mg KOH per g of biofuel; phosphorus content: 119,04 mg of phosphorus per kg of biofuel; calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium: 1,62, 0,47, 075, 0,19 mg per L of biofuel respectively; calorific value: 37 210,46 J per g of biofuel, iodine: 48,97 iodine cg per g of biofuel;cetane number: 28,14.From the properties results a fuel with similar characteristics to diesel No.2 in accordance with the national standard for No.2 diesel was obtained.





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