Biomass Potential in South America for the Production of Bioplastics. A review
Biomass is a primary renewable source that has generated greater interest in the world in last years, because it offers the opportunity to obtain energy and non-energy products similar to those manufactured from non-renewable sources. In this sense, South America, due to its geographical location, has high potential to generate and add value to biomass; so that this research carries out a descriptive review on the availability and potential of the biomass in South America, with the purpose of establishing the types and quantity of biobased and biodegradable bioplastics (BBB) ??that can be produced in this region. In the first place, a description of the biomass, its characteristics and classification was made. Subsequently, information was collected on the biomass generated in each country, to finally describe the types of BBB currently available. The research revealed that 204.42 million of tons (MMt) of bioplastic based on regenerated cellulose can be produced in the region, 4.11 MMt of starch-based bioplastic, 0.58 MMt of polylactic acid and 8.68 MMt of polyhydroxybutyrate. In addition, the production of BBB is an alternative that allows to minimize the environmental pollution produced by synthetic plastics, since it uses in an efficient and sustainable way the waste generated by agricultural and industrial activities. Finally, the study made it possible to expand the state of the art and intensify the advantages that the countries of South America have with respect to the generation of jobs and industrial development in rural areas.
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