Maximum Certainty Principle. Theoretical Analysis of a New Probabilistic Invariant with Applications in the Quito-Ecuador Storm Study
A new probabilistic invariant named Maximum Certainty (Nmax) is exposed finding the extremum of the Functional Certainty (N) with variational calculus, equivalent to the principle developed by Euler-Lagrange in the deterministic field known as Least Action. Its emergence comes naturally when regard the conservation of the Information received and delivered by a probabilistic system. The invariant Nmax associated to a random variable T, balances the Knowledge function C(t); of each probabilistic density function f(t)max, and Information function: I(t)=-ln(f(t)max). It starts by proving Nmax for the truncated exponential cumulative distribution function and is extended as a principle to other probability distribution families, both continuous and discrete both bounded and unbounded. When the random variable T has units of time, truncated in DT, the cumulative distribution function P(t)max obtained is the most probable time curve among all the possible ones. The modeling of stochastic storm patterns in Quito-Ecuador through the Truncated Quadratic Exponential Distribution (with parameter alfa=9.8) is given as an example of application, among others.
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