Supervision and Control System of Gas Dehydration Reboilers: Case of Trains A and B of the Muscar Complex


Cristhian Ronceros

Yuselys Martinez

Ruben Vega

Yenisbeth Rodriguez

deshidratación de gas, sistema de control, rehervidores, optimización gas dehydration, control system, reboilers, optimization


The monitoring and control of the natural gas dehydration process through the supervision and control systems of the gas dehydration reboilers are of great importance since it facilitates the removal of moisture and other contaminants from the gas to make it suitable for its use. In this sense, the present proposal provides a dehydration supervision and control system for the gas dehydration reboilers of the Muscar Plant of Petroleums of Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) that includes: the selection of the controller, the control system, chassis and the integration of the different components that make it up. The automation of the process allows optimizing the conditions of the dehydration process, including temperature, pressure, gas flow, water flow and liquid levels. The visualize, conceptualize and define phases of the Capital Project Management Guide were developed. The proposed new architecture of the gas dehydration reboiler supervision and control system allows continuous monitoring of the dehydration process conditions, including temperature, pressure, gas flow, water flow and liquid levels, as well as increasing reliability levels, minimizing unexpected accidents and corrective maintenance costs.




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